White man in thirties arrived with no identifiable documents,
already dead. Mortis causa: flee – linked strangulation.
Cause of oedema in brain: saline water intoxication.
Arms are spread wide. Trauma led migration and
a revenge suspended in arms, a curse, a renunciation.
Saliva tracks along road behind, flesh on hands and feet worn.
Discomfort on legs, related to being dragged from back.
An opening on mouth implies a fatal selection.
If cramps are taken into account, journey was
long distance. Cramps as evidence of an
unexpected and contumacious walk.
A shock on face and eyes. Eyes
appear to be closed before death,
not to see sons on other side;
sons who became navel through river;
river nullifies which side is other side.
Brows as evidence of denial and
inner ear is a voice trap, a mud,
abrasions formed by advises heard
so often. Early examination reveals
a forgotten vernacular on lips,
dried ancient words hanging on chest.
Couple of things found show that
he already deserted his land
before he abandoned it:
Hearing reports,
witness statements,
alienized passports
and some water
to drink.
Mustafa Torun, Buzdokuz Sayı: 6, Temmuz-Ağustos 2021.
Şiirin Türkçesi Buzdokuz Sayı 6’da.